Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Session 2: Design of Learning Environments

In general, there are two main categories of environments.

1. Curriculum / Pedagogy related

  • Learner centred where we build on learners pre-requisite knowledge (including culture and shared life experiences) and help them construct need meaning. Diagnostic teaching aids in the creation of such an environment.
  • Knowledge centred whose goal is to help students understanding knowledge for transference through developmentally appropriate activities
  • Assessment centred which evaluates student learning (summative) or provide feedback and revision on learning goals (formative)
  • Community / Social centred where students learn from one another

2. Learning Needs related

  • Psychological (based on Maslow's hierarchy)
  • Physical layout based on the Human Dynamics theory where Physical Emotional students (which encompasses most S'poreans) are affected by the architecture, layout, décor and school facilities. Hence they impact those with with emotional or behavioural difficulties.


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